{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./node_modules/aurelia-webpack-plugin/runtime/pal-loader-entry.js"],"names":["Loader","Object","defineProperty","get","WebpackLoader","set","value"],"mappings":"2FAAA,WAsBIA,EAtBJ,OAwBAC,OAAOC,eAAe,WAAU,SAAU,CACxCC,IAAK,WACH,OAAOH,IAAWA,EAAS,EAAQ,KAA0BI,gBAE/DC,IAAK,SAASC,GACZN,EAASM,M","file":"npm.aurelia-webpack-plugin.c3164ba4b83e7d65b705.js","sourcesContent":["// With default aurelia-loader-webpack config, this module is added as an extra entry\n// before any other code executes so that PAL.Loader is properly configured.\n// There are several tricky points worth noticing.\n// \n// We don't add aurelia-loader-webpack itself as an entry point (used to until 2.0 RC2)\n// because it (transitively) brings too much bagage with itself, most notably polyfills.\n// This made it super-hard to add other polyfills before Aurelia's and led to various bugs.\n//\n// We don't add custom code in aurelia-pal or aurelia-loader or aurelia-bootstrapper to detect\n// the Webpack environment and configure the loader because they might live in a DLL.\n// If they do, they would bring aurelia-loader-webpack along in the DLL and this is a special \n// library that *has to be in the main chunk.*\n//\n// The over-complicated design I've settled upon in the end is to use this special module\n// as an entry point that configures aurelia-loader-webpack. It has minimal static imports:\n// just aurelia-pal, which itself has no other dependencies and doesn't run much code.\n// It hacks the loader field into a getter so that it can synchronously load aurelia-loader-webpack\n// just in time when it is demanded by aurelia-bootstrapper.\n// This enables users to load polyfills before aurelia-loader-webpack is actually loaded.\n\nimport { PLATFORM } from \"aurelia-pal\";\n\nvar Loader;\n\nObject.defineProperty(PLATFORM, \"Loader\", {\n get: function() {\n return Loader || (Loader = require(\"aurelia-loader-webpack\").WebpackLoader);\n },\n set: function(value) {\n Loader = value;\n }\n});\n"],"sourceRoot":""}